Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall

In July 1941, Carl Karcher and his wife, Mar gar et, began with a hotdog cart and a dream. By 1 9 5 6 , t h e h o t d o g c a r t h a d b e c o m e C a rl’s J r . ® . T o d a y , Carl’sJr.® is one of the lar gest bur ger brands in the world, with over 3,800 res taurants in over 40 countries. Our parent compan y, CKE Res taurants is a priv a tely held company based in Franklin, Tennessee(USA). We currently have four operating restaurants in India We are excited to re-introduce Carl’s Jr. to the India marketplace. we’ve made a sincere e ffort to tailor our menu to the Indian pala te by offering rich, in tense fla vours a n d a v a r i e t y o f in n o v a tiv e veg e tarian and non-veg e tarian o p t i o n s . T h i s i n clu d e s t a s t y p a n e e r b u r g e r s , p r e miu m c h arg r ille d m utto n a n d j uic y hand-breaded chicken. We look forward to our Indian cus tomers enjoying the same best-in-class customer service, premium quality and delicious menu items that we are known for globally .

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Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall
Carl's Jr. VR Punjab Mall

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